Tree with angel, dancing lady with a fan
Tree with angel, dancing lady with a fan, and a ballerina in the nest at the top of the tree. At the bottom, to the left there is a swan and club…
Two trees with ballerina and stork
Two trees with ballerina and stork on top of them. Underneath two swans and a lady with fan and stick. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Theater scene with curtain – and ballerinas
Theater scene with curtain - and ballerinas. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Pirate with a green jacket
Pirate with a green jacket, a black hat with ornaments. Christmas tree decoration. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Pirate with earrings and big boots A bootjack
Pirate with earrings and big boots. A bootjack. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Large unfinished paper cut
Large unfinished paper cut. Top left and right corner: Theater scene with ballerinas. Middle top: angles and heart. Middle - left and right: Angels,…
Butterfly with ballerina
Butterfly with ballerina on the wing. Both the positive and the negative cut. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
4 girls standing
4 girls standing two and two holding a rosette between them. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…