Swans and ballerinas in a rhombic pattern
Swans and ballerinas in a rhombic pattern. - 1851 By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Mirrored pattern
Mirrored pattern. Pierrots, swans, flowers. - 1844 By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
A Brasilian cut
A Brasilian cut from a newspaper - with long coat and hat. The newspaper has been cut so that precisely on the hat's brim the word "Brasil" is shown.…
Cut after Vernets painting
Cut after Vernets painting picturing Albert Thorvaldsen in his studio. - 1834 By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Pirate with hearts in his jacket. Boots. Jack of hearts. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Lady with pointy hat
Lady with pointy hat and green and black skirt. Christmas tree decoration. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Lady on her toes
Lady on her toes in dress with bow knots and puff sleeves. Christmas tree decoration. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Lady in black skirt
Lady in black skirt with yellow pattern, green stockings, a red heart. Mask or visor. Christmas tree decoration. By kind permission from Odense Bys…
Lady with a skirt with drawn foldings
Lady with a skirt with drawn foldings, a green blouse and a halo around her head. Christmans tree decoration. By kind permission from Odense Bys…
Lady with bonnet
Lady with bonnet and green dress. Christmas tree decoration. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Lady in yellow dress
Lady in yellow dress (with pen decorations) and a square patterned hat. Christmas tree decoration. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Two plinths with a wire between them
Two plinths with a wire between them - the wire is also supported by a man. On the wire two ballerinas are dancing, holding a wreath. By kind…
Wine leaves, clutches of grapes, ballerinas
Wine leaves, clutches of grapes, ballerinas. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Oriental castle with minarets, stairs with men
Oriental castle with minarets, stairs with men. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…
Woman in fine clothes
Woman in fine clothes with bows in hair and on clothes. By kind permission from Odense Bys Museer…