Hotel d’Angleterre

Hans Christian Andersen moved into two rooms at Hotel d’Angleterre on November 23rd 1860. The rooms were at the corner of Kgs. Nytorv and Østergade, also called Strøget (The Street).
Before moving into Hotel d’Angleterre, Hans Christian Andersen was on a trip abroad and stayed in Basnæs and Holsteinsborg.
Hans Christian Andersen moved into Hotel d’Angleterre October 13th 1865 after a trip to Sweden. Hans Christian Andersen, after a Christmas visit in 1866 to Holsteinborg and Basnæs, stayed in Hotel d’Angleterre in 2 rooms on the 1st floor.
The violinist Ole Bull had taken his previous rooms on the 2nd floor
Hans Christian Andersen moves into Hotel d’Angleterre facing Kongens Nytorv on the 2nd floor august 25th 1869.April 29th 1871 from Tordenskjoldsgade to d’Angleterre until May 7th 1871.

Kongens Nytorv 34, København, Danmark