The Old House
The Old House Somewhere in the street stood an old old house; it was almost three hundred years old, as you could tell from the date cut into the…
Croak! All the birds of the forest were sitting upon the branches of the trees, which had quite enough leaves; and yet the birds were unanimous in…
On Judgment Day
On Judgment Day The most solemn of all the days of our life is the day we die. It is judgment day, the great sacred day of transfiguration. Have you…
Twenty-first Evening
Twenty-first Evening The Moon hadn't shone for more than two weeks, and then at last I saw him again, round and clear above the slowly rising mass…
Twenty-third Evening
Twenty-third Evening "I looked down on Tyrol," said the Moon, "and my rays caused the dark pine trees to cast heavy shadows across the rocks. I…
The Bell Deep
The Bell Deep "Ding-dong! Ding-dong!" rings out from the Bell Deep in the Odense River. And what sort of river is that? Why, every child in Odense…
Golden Treasure
Golden Treasure The drummer's wife went to church and saw the new altar with painted pictures and carved angels. The angels were very beautiful,…
Thirteenth Evening
Thirteenth Evening "I looked in through the window of a newspaper editor," said the Moon. "It was somewhere in Germany. It was a handsomely…
The Rags
The Rags Outside the paper mill, masses of rags lay piled in high stacks; they had been gathered from far and wide. Every rag had a tale to tell,…
Moving Day
Moving Day You surely remember Ole, the tower watchman. I have told you about two visits I paid him, and now I'll tell you of a third, although it…
God Can Never Die
God Can Never Die It was a Sunday morning. The sun shone brightly and warmly into the room, as the air, mild and refreshing, flowed through the open…
A String of Pearls
A String of Pearls The railroad in Denmark still extends only from Copenhagen to Korsör; it is a string of pearls. Europe has a wealth of these…
The Swan’s Nest
The Swan's Nest Between the Baltic and the North Sea there lies an old Swan's Nest, and it is called Denmark. In it have been born, and will be born…
Twenty-fifth Evening
Twenty-fifth Evening "I'll give you a picture from Frankfort," said the Moon. "I noticed one building in particular there. It was not the birthplace…
The Windmill
The Windmill On the hill there stood a windmill stately to look at and very proud of itself. "But I'm not proud at all," it said, "though I'm much…
Two Brothers
Two Brothers On one of the Danish islands, where old thingsteads, the judgment seats of our forefathers, loom up in the cornfields, and mighty trees…
Sixteenth Evening
Sixteenth Evening "I know a punchinello," the Moon said. "The audience rejoices whenever he appears. Every movement he makes is so comical that it…
The Thorny Road of Honor
The Thorny Road of Honor There is an old fairy tale: "The Thorny Road of Honor was trodden by a marksman named Bryde, to whom came great honor and…
A Story
A Story All the apple trees in the garden were blooming. They had hastened to cover themselves with blossoms before their green leaves were fully…