The Nightingale
Original translation The Emperor of China is a Chinaman, as you most likely know, and everyone around him is a Chinaman too. It's been a great many…
What Old Johanne Told
What Old Johanne Told The wind whistles in the old willow tree. It is as if one were hearing a song; the wind sings it; the tree tells it. If you do…
The Cripple
The Cripple There was an old manor house where a young, splendid family lived. They had riches and many blessings; they liked to enjoy themselves,…
The Wild Swans
The Wild Swans Far, far away where the swallows fly when we have winter, there lived a King who had eleven sons and one daughter, Elisa. The eleven…
The Galoshes of Fortune
The Galoshes of Fortune It was in Copenhagen, in one of the houses on East Street, not far from King's Newmarket, that someone was giving a large…
A Good Humor
A Good Humor From my father I have inherited that most worthy of bequests-a cheerful temper. And who was my father? Well, that really has nothing to…
Under The Willow Tree
Under The Willow Tree The country around the town of Kjöge is very bare. The town itself lies by the seashore, which is always beautiful, although…
Fourth Evening
Fourth Evening "Last night I saw a German play, " the Moon said. "It was in a small town, where a stable had been converted into a theater; that is…
Thirtieth Evening
Thirtieth Evening "Close by the highway," said the Moon, "stands an inn, and opposite it is a large wagon shed, the roof of which was being…
Ninth Evening
Ninth Evening Again the sky was clear; several evenings had passed, and the Moon was in his first quarter. I again got an idea for a sketch. Listen…
The Porter’s Son
The Porter's Son The General's family lived on the first floor, and the Porter's family lived in the cellar. There was a vast distance between them…
The Child in the Grave
The Child in the Grave There was sorrow in the house; there was sorrow in every heart, for the youngest child, a four-year-old boy, the joy and…
The Nightcap of the “Pebersvend”
The Nightcap of the "Pebersvend" There is a street in Copenhagen that bears the odd name of Hysken Street. Why is it called that? And what does…
The Talisman
The Talisman A Prince and a Princess were still celebrating their honeymoon. They were extremely happy; only one thought disturbed them, and that…
The Flea and the Professor
The Flea and the Professor There was an aëronaut, and things went badly with him. His balloon burst, hurled him out, and went all to pieces. Just…
Thirty-first Evening
Thirty-first Evening "It occurred in a little provincial town," said the Moon; "it was last year that I saw it, but that doesn't matter, for I saw…
The Snow Man
The Snow Man "It's so bitterly cold that my whole body crackles!" said the Snow Man. "This wind can really blow life into you! And how that glaring…
First Evening
First Evening "Last night" - these are the Moon's own words - "I glided through the clear sky of India and reflected myself in the Ganges. My rays…
The Shadow
The Shadow It is in the hot countries that the sun burns down in earnest, turning the people there a deep mahogany-brown. In the hottest countries…